Now is a great time to bring your yard waste to the site in Castle Rock, and get free mulch while you're there.
The Slash-mulch and Green Yard Waste site, located in Castle Rock, is for Douglas County residents only and is open on Saturdays from April through October.
Acceptable items at both sites include tree limbs, pine needles, shrubs and brush with a maximum length of 6 feet and a maximum diameter of one foot. Please note all loads must be covered upon arrival at the slash-mulch site.
During the open season, a county-operated loader will be available to load free wood chips for homeowners to use as mulch. Material can be picked up anytime during the season the site is open to accept slash.
The Site Operator has the authority to refuse loads and requires residents to reload and/or haul away materials found not to be in compliance with the regulations.
Unacceptable items include:
- Appliances
- Compost
- Decorative wood chips
- Dirt
- Fencing
- Grass/hay
- Household trash/yard waste
- Leaves
- Lumber/pallets/railroad ties
- Pine cones
- Roots/stumps
- Weeds
- Yucca plants
The following items should be sent to the Green Yard Waste Program instead:
- Grass/hay
- Leaves
- Pine cones
- Weeds
- Yucca plants
Douglas County does not cut or pick up trees that are on private property.
In case of inclement weather, please call 303-663-6274 to ensure that the site will be open as scheduled.