It can be tricky to tell if a plant is dead or just taking a break

Try the methods below to get you closer to your answer:
Inspect the Stems (Scratch Test)
Gently scrape the outer layer of a stem with your fingernail. Green and moist under the surface - the plant is alive. Dry and brittle - that stem is dead, but check others to confirm.
Check the Roots
Carefully remove the plant from its pot to check roots.
Firm, white, or light-colored roots: the plant is likely dormant.
Mushy, black, or brittle roots: The roots are dead, and the plant may not recover.
Look for Buds or Growth
Dormant plants may have small buds, even if no leaves or flowers are visible.
No growth at all could indicate the plant is dead, but check other signs first.
Flexibility Test
Bend the branches or stems gently.
Flexible and not snapping: Indicates dormancy.
Snaps easily: Likely dead.
Observe Over Time
Dormant plants won’t show immediate growth but will eventually sprout leaves or buds when the growing season resumes. A dead plant will show no changes over weeks or months.
Seasonal Considerations
Remember that some plants naturally go dormant in certain seasons, just like outdoor deciduous trees and plants in late fall and through winter.