Our annual garden-inspired books list
- Grandmother's Garden: The old-fashioned American garden 1865-1915
- The Complete Gardener: A practical, imaginative Guide to every aspect of gardening
- Plantopedia: The definitive guide to Houseplants
- Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide
- Square Foot Gardening
- A Garden Eden: Masterpieces of Botanical illustration
- Kitchen Garden Revival: A modern guide to creating a stylish, small scale, low-maintenance edible garden
- The Cook's Herb Garden
- The Gardener's Log Book
- Mini Farming: Self Sufficiency on 1/4 acre
Children's Books (great for grownups too)
- An Elephant in the Garden - inspired by a true story
- The Courage of the Little Hummingbird: A Tale Told Around the World
- Nature's Day Out and About by Kay Maguire and Danielle Kroll
- The Secret Garden
Arriving after Christmas Day - made the list because they are wonderful books
The Backyard Birdwatcher's Bible
The Well-tended Perennial Garden: essential guide to planting and pruning
Month to Month Gardening Rock Mountain edition