Here's the full list:
- The Social Front Yard - to help us connect
- Lush with Lots of Color - to life our spirits and remind of us our joy
- Birding in your own landscape - backyard birding is on the upswing
- Restore the natural world - garden for the greater good and we all benefit. Cultivate plants that feed bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and people
- Cutting gardens - you only need a small space for a cutting garden, which will supply you with ample blooms for bouquets throughout the growing season
- Outdoor Home Office - outdoor, natural light is optimal for Zoom meetings, and sunshine is a powerful mood booster
- Edible Container Gardens - easy to plant, maintain, and move around - even the smallest containers can grow something tasty to add to your culinary visions.
- Quiet Lawn Equipment - finally, smarter landscape tools, including a number of noticeably quieter ones. The age of quieter lawn equipment and cleaner air is on the horizon as we begin to mow and trim our landscapes with electric tools.