Choose the right plants. Look for plants that can thrive in Colorado. Our elevation and at times harsh environment can be a challenge for plants. And with ever-present drought, it’s important to choose plants with low water requirements. Don’t limit yourself to flowering perennials, either. Consider adding trees or shrubs to your landscape, too.
Be flexible. A local nursery or garden center or a landscape professional can guide you to plants that will enhance your landscape despite the challenges. But have a few choices in mind; supplies may be limited.
Follow this checklist when establishing plants any time of year:
- Place plants according to the micro-environments within your landscape. Match plant needs to locations in the yard that provide sun or shade, good or poor drainage, shelter from buildings, etc.
- Know how large plants will be at maturity and avoid placing soon-to-be large plants too close together. Give them the space they need to grow without being overcrowded.
- Group plants with similar water requirements together so you can water them efficiently without over-watering some or under-watering others.
- Remember that even very low-water plants require regular drinks of water to become established. Make sure they get established before cutting back to little to no water.
- Place mulch around newly planted trees, shrubs and perennials to help retain moisture.
Check plants regularly and water as needed especially during times with little or no precipitation.