Douglas County has a Slash to Mulch site where you can drop off slash (the website lists what is acceptable) and pick up mulch, all for free!
I have been visiting the site for several years and here are a few tips if you decide to participate:
- The site can get busy and you may have a short wait to unload.
- Slash is difficult to handle and carry. A pickup is necessary and a trailer is better. Your load must be covered when entering and leaving the site.
- You will have to unload your own slash.
Once you’ve dumped your slash you can pick up a load of mulch. You can load as much as your vehicle can hold and make as many trips as you need. You can scoop your own into a container or have it dumped in your vehicle/trailer by the front loader operator. You may also have to wait if you want mulch loaded as the operator also has to manage the slash pile. If you load your own, a bedding/silage fork is much easier to use than a regular shovel.
The mulch is not uniformly sized and is all different types of wood. The pieces range in size from dust to larger chunks (these aren’t common). Sometimes you will find a small piece of trash like weed-eater string. The photo above gives an idea. I use the mulch in my back yard and something prettier in the front yard.
The slash pile is open on Saturdays only May - October from 8 - 5 and is located at 1400 Caprice Drive, Castle Rock. Click here for more information on what is and isn't accepted.