End of summer and early fall are no time to sit back and relax when it comes to gardening. Many of us are still harvesting (and even growing) right now, especially with this long, warm autumn we've been having.
Keep up with your garden maintenance now and reap the benefits come spring.
Final tasks:
- Deadhead
- Weed
- Harvest and Clear Space - save what you can (seeds, canning, and/or drying)
- Cover cleaned-out garden areas with compost and then a thick layer of pine needles to prevent weeds and nurture the good stuff in the soil (microbiome)
- Prune trees and shrubs that are winter-hardy
- Rake fallen leaves from garden areas, and mulch-mow leaves on lawns
- Harvest and store herbs for cooking. They can be dried or frozen.
- Plant strawberries (here's how)
Take breaks from outdoor chores to simply look at the beauty of your garden. You've poured a lot of love and sweat into it and it's time to admire your work!