- New Moon is February 11 - when the north star twinkles expect stormy weather
- February 14 - Happy Valentines Day! Instead of buying a bouquet of flowers, why not buy a living plant, bare root rose, or a garden perennial that will bring enjoyment to the recipient for years to come?
- February 15 - check dahlia tubers you may have in storage. Sprinkle lightly with water if they are dry
- February 22 - George Washington's birthday - one mature cherry tree will produce 30 to 50 quarts of cherries each year; a dwarf tree about 10 to 15 quarts (if you protect the cherries from birds).
- Toward the end of the month you might see cheerful Johnny-jump-ups (violas) beginning to brighten garden beds and pathways. Did you know they are edible with a mild wintergreen flavor. They can be candied for us in decorating cakes, frozen into ice cubes to dress up drinks, or eaten in salads.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. - R. Buckminster Fuller, American Engineer (1895 - 1983)