Experienced and inexperienced gardeners are all welcome!
All produce is grown in raised beds and several greenhouses, and is delivered to the task force (food bank) weekly so that task force clients have access to fresh grown produce.
The program needs gardeners! Volunteers come weekly (or whatever schedule they prefer i.e. every other week) and give their time to help with all the tasks big and small that go into a larger growing operation. Volunteers usually stay for two to three hours (or more if they want).
Volunteers help with preparing beds, planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, spreading pine needs to keep weeds down, tending the plants, and harvesting when the time is right. There is always something to do and most tasks are not difficult.
Volunteers are all ages and levels of experience (kids even come to help out in summer when school is out). The program is also great for high school students looking to fulfill their volunteer hours requirement to graduate.
Interested to learn more? Email Jeff Roth.
There is a strong sense of community and camaraderie amongst the volunteer gardeners, and a lot of pride in helping out to give back in this way to those who really appreciate receiving fresh fruits and vegetables and the efforts of all at Hidden Mesa.