But is it good for the garden?
Many experts say to skip it, and the reasons why might surprise you.
In it's February 2, 2023 article about peat moss, Architectural Digest says "Sphagnum moss is fresh and less processed, whereas peat is from Sphagnum moss that has been digested in peat bogs for thousands of years."
"Technically speaking, because peat takes so long to replace, even though it’s a natural process, it is considered a non-renewable resource.”
Peat moss is used for plants both indoors and outdoors. It is spongy and holds enough water without being sopping wet, and is derived from digested Sphagnum moss.
Peat moss harvesting releases twice as much CO2 into the atmosphere every year as the entire airline industry.
For most plant owners, peat moss is not something that is native to where they live. Not only does the peat moss have to be harvested, but it is also transported across the globe, creating even more carbon in the environment.
Here's the full article, including ideas on what to use instead of peat moss.
Image show peat moss being harvested. Article credit: Architectural Digest