Easy, good for you, and so tasty!
One delicious way to cook zucchini is to grill them. No heating up the kitchen, no baking, no pawning them off on others. Here are some different recipes for grilled (and air fryer fried) zucchini:
Roasted Zucchini with Parmesan from The Modern Proper
Perfect Grilled Zucchini from SkinnyTaste
Balsamic Grilled Zucchini from Allrecipes
Air Fryer Zucchini from Well Plated by Erin
Tip: To keep zucchini from getting soggy, cut the zucchini into spears (not slices), which better hold their shape, cook at a high temperature (400 - 450 degrees F), and do not overcook the zucchini. As soon as it pierces with a fork, it's done.
Zucchini is rich in manganese, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamins A and C — nutrients which contribute to healthy vision and may lower your risk of age-related eye conditions. Zucchini is also considered anti-inflammatory, especially when eating them with the skins, where most of the good stuff is found.