By Kathy Sullivan, Communications Director
Farmer's Almanac is a wonderful resource and definite 'go-to' for gardeners. Their deep knowledge and database of information is impressive, and trusted.
If your compost pile smells like ammonia, it may have too much nitrogen.
Mix in high-carbon ingredients such as shredded leaves or straw.
Full Harvest Moon is September 10th - a good time to collect and save seeds from the very best plants in your garden.
When used properly, long-handle tools help to lessen back strain while working in the garden.
Salvia comes from a Latin word meaning to save or heal, and refers to the medicinal qualities of some species.
Late September - deadhead chrysanthemum blossoms to encourage more flowers.
O sweet September! thy first breezes bring the dry leaf's rustle and the squirrel's laughter. - George Arnold, American Poet 1834-1965