By Kathy Sullivan, Communications Director
We've all tried a variety of week killers over the years - from pouring boiling water directly on individual weeds to concocting various blends of weed killer with vinegar and other home products.
If you're looking for a non-chemical weedkiller, Earth's Ally Weed & Grass Killer may be the answer to your weedkiller prayers. Formulated with common household substances like sea salt, vinegar, and soap, it is safe, effective, and meets the federal government definition of a "minimum risk" pesticide.
Good Housekeeping's lab results showed the product is safe for people and pets, and browns weeds in as little as three hours. Complete and total death of weeds with long, tenacious roots (like dandelions) take longer to kill - with results showing 14 days after first application.
Earth’s Ally kills common weeds, including broadleaf, crabgrass, dandelion, clover, ivy, chickweed and many more. When used as directed, Earth’s Ally delivers visible results in 3 hours and has been proven to kill weeds to the root, so you won’t end up treating the same weed repeatedly.
It is less effective on weeds with woody stems, such as some ivies.
This weedkiller is 'non-selective' - so be careful where you spray it because it can kill everything around the weeds if dispersed by wind or errant spraying.
Photo credit: Earth's Ally