From the Mourning Dove who sleeps with one eye open (and only half it's brain asleep) to the Ruby Throated Hummingbird who slows down its body processes at night to conserve energy, this book will entrance and delight.

Renowned for his meticulous bird illustrations, Sibley takes readers on a journey into the everyday activities of birds, offering insights into their behaviors, from flying and nesting to singing and feeding.
The book's strength lies not only in its beautifully detailed illustrations but also in the author's ability to convey complex ornithological concepts in an accessible and engaging manner.
Whether you're a seasoned birdwatcher or a nature enthusiast, the book's comprehensive coverage of various bird species and its scientifically accurate yet approachable narrative make it a delightful read.
Sibley's passion for birds shines through, making What It's Like to Be a Bird a compelling and educational exploration of the avian world, and suitable for a wide range of readers.
Hardcover $13.20.
Note: bird illustration shown is not a David Sibley illustration.