In many parts of the country, including ours, winter feels a lot warmer than it used to.

Over the past few decades, the Earth's climate has been warming, leading to changes in seasonal temperatures, including warmer winters.
While overall global temperatures are rising, it's important to note that individual weather events and regional variations still occur. Some areas may experience colder winters in specific years due to natural climate variability or regional weather patterns.
However, the long-term trend is one of global warming, which is impacting various aspects of the Earth's climate system.
This enlightening article from CNN characterizes winter warming since 1970, and notes the impact climate change is having on snow, winter tourism, winter sports, local economies, and even allergies.
"Winter plays a crucial role in the life cycles of plants, animals, and insects, and in the recharging of fresh water supplies", the article notes. Crops like nuts and cherries can't bloom properly and will therefore begin to decline in quantity and quality.